ACCTs of Love

ACCTs of Love

– We started this program in August 2024

– We aim to pull 5-10 hard-to-place dogs per month from a very high-volume, under-resourced urban kill shelter in our local area.

– These dogs are scheduled to be euthanized due to lack of space or medical issues.

– The dogs we pull with medical issues have little chance at finding someone to give them the medical care they need.

– We are passionate about helping Parvo puppies. Parvovirus is extremely costly both financially and in terms of the time required for around the clock care.

– Thanks to our donors, we have the means to give these dogs a fighting chance at life, and we are honored to step in and give them that chance.

– We provide the new Parvovirus monoclonal antibody injection as well as lots of love and therapeutic care. After successful treatment, these dogs are ready to be adopted to their furever homes!

– Other medical cases we have pulled: dogs needing orthopedic surgeries, emaciated dogs, dogs suffering from dermatitis, and others who have simply been overlooked and are due to be euthanized for length of stay.


Double Impact Donations

Sadly, we are currently overwhelmed with the number of dogs suffering from Parvo, and we are heartbroken that we can’t help save them all due to limited space and resources. We have gotten call after call to take in the endless stream of dogs in need, but we heartbreakingly have had to say no when our current Parvo isolation space is full. We know we can’t save them all, but we also know we could save a lot more, so we are coming to you for help.

Right now, our Parvo treatment room can only accommodate 3 dogs at a time. Even with the lifesaving monoclonal antibody, proper supportive care and quarantine are a CRUCIAL part of the recovery process. Depending on the dog’s severity of the virus they may need to be housed in our Parvo isolation unit for several weeks, but at a minimum 2 weeks. This means no new dogs can take their spot until they are cleared by our vet as healthy enough to join the general population along with having a negative Parvo test result.

But there’s hope! A generous donor has stepped forward to help us expand the Angel’s Retreat Parvo room and save even more lives! To complete this vital project of adding 8 more spaces we need to raise $20,000 to cover moving electrical wiring, purchasing stainless steel cage banks, acquiring additional fluid pumps, and stocking up on essential medical supplies.

Here’s the exciting part: This generous donor has pledged to match every contribution, dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000 through October 15th!

This means your donation will have double the impact and bring us that much closer to saving more dogs in need!

Your kindness during this time will have a monumental impact on saving lives. With your help, we can begin treating more Parvo dogs within weeks. Will you join us in reaching our $20,000 goal?


ACCTs of Love Success Stories

Yeti Spaghetti
Desert Rose
Little Bitty Pittie
Colby Jack